Wednesday, August 5, 2009

04/08/09 ,
Supposed to blog yesterday , but was tired so just didnt post .
Ohya , Happy birthday KELLY , ACHIA , ZIYIN .
Teeheeee , about yesterday.
Ok , after school went to white sands then to e!hub then back
to white sands again to celebrate Aichia birthday . Went to e!hub
to find JiaMin,Ashikin,Mary. Then introduced me to some of peepsz
Actually , to be honest I dont really know Aichia -.- but who cares ,
me and shikin shared money to buy her tee for her birthday !
After meeting up with Xinyan,Sagiri,Aaron,Hayden,Annalisa
and Aichia at white sands , took bus 403 to pasir ris park to rent bike
to cycle and to 'camwhore' . -.- Plus ,Hayden doesnt like to be on
photos and keep miaing everywhere . Went to jiamin's emo breakwater
platform to take pict. Its like spam people squeezing into a picture ,haha.
Cycled to the playground to play , slack . They threw everything there,
leaving me behind watching the valuables at back for me to watch .
Then headed to the allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll way route to pasir ris park .
Time check 6.20 pm at that time .
-.- pricked my finger AGAIN while teaching hayden
How to skip stones on the water like magic . Then the crowd went to
bash Aichia since it was her birthday , in the end making donno who
wet lolllll , then it was time to head back . Its like a never ending road ,
but its just onepark-onebridge-onepark-onebridge-station .
That time it was already closing in to 8 pm , and poor Annalisa needs
to rush back home to watch her drama -.-" . So we used the park ,
to go back and bus back . Spammed max volume on my hp with
metals . Then jalanjalan until the elias bridge there , then suddenly ..
*Runs a white dog , wanting to bite me *
omg man . HAHA . So walked to the nearest bus-stop for
Dear girl to go back watch drama -.- , then went to pasirris interchange .
Time check 8.23 pm . While walking through the inter change .
Xavier fell down on the floor , and xinyan thinks I wna pull her
shorts down . Its like damn dark when you are going from interchange
to e!hub . So I ended in injury , a limping leg and a wound . Lots of
things happen which I dont know since I was skipping my way to e!hub,
as to eat PastaMania C:
Ordered Alfredo , LOL which mary suggested , one word delicious . LOL
So to perk up the whole awkwardness , have to use the old ways ..
JOKES LA DUH . HEHE . Then after buying yoghurt for the those
who not full ones , head back home . SAW TILL IZZUL , too bad .
He too shy . Limping the way back home is so nott a good choice -.-
Hayden was even afraid I wont faint , and dont wna walk with me
but obviously a joke la . So went back sleep .

School's cool today . Shawn bought some sweets and gave it to girls only
Sweets which looks like sticky ! But tastes better than sticky ! :D
Thanks Sagiri for the sweet , and sorry for not going down today .
Maths as usually is normal for me , ohya ! Sagiri expression of sleeping
IS DAMN FUNNY . Is like wanting to close the eyes , then like
always have gap in between , and she keeps nodding her head HEHE .
Went back home , watched Davinci Code and now using computer .
I bet shikin have been waiting for 45 mins for me to post this . It takes
a lot of energy okay !! Now have to prepare for maths tuition .
I hope I can last . LOL !

Komehnasaiii .

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